Should You Opt For On-Campus Learning?

Today’s classroom is not like it used to be. There is no chalk and the classic blackboards. If you have decided to go back to college but you can’t figure out whether to go attend on-campus classes or not, this is for you. 
Benefits of on-campus learning
There is a reason why on-campus learning remains a popular choice for most campus students. Check out these vital benefits of on-campus learning that might make it your preferred option. 
1. Easy to network
When you interact with people and learn their personal stories, it’s easy to establish and develop relationships. When you opt for the traditional learning experience, you will build relationships with your lecturers and classmates. Therefore, if you thrive on face-to-face interaction, go for on-campus learning as opposed to online learning. 
2. Have a structured schedule
On-campus learning helps students to keep a dependable schedule. That way, you can organize your other schedules such as work and family time. Additionally, you have the luxury of setting aside personal study time. 
3. Appeals to all your senses
Everybody has a unique learning style. You have a greater chance of experience different learning styles while in a traditional classroom as opposed to an online class. When you opt for on-campus learning, you have the opportunity of asking your instructor questions directly and sharing reflections with your classmates. 
Disadvantages of on-campus learning
1. Enforces more structure
In an on-campus classroom setting, the lecturer dictates how time in the class is to be spent; whether to lecture, give you work to do in groups or any other activity they deem suitable. Such a set schedule might feel too rigid especially if you are the kind of person who would rather do things during your own time. 
2. Restricts your schedule
Perhaps the biggest demerit of a traditional classroom is that it limits you to a particular schedule. Considering that you have to go to work and care for your family, a fixed schedule might not be suitable. If you miss out on a class, you are a step further from achieving your goals. 

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